TIU Transactions on Inteligent Computing

Hybrid Blockchain-based Uenvironmentally friendly energy trading System

* Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee 1 , Chaitali Koley 2 , Saibal Chatterjee 3
1,2,3 National Institute of Technology, Mizoram, India


This article presents a Hybrid Blockchain-based spotless and efficient clean and green power energy trading framework. A framework is recommended that gives a constant information-obtaining framework for exchanging and surveillance of the performance along with the health of these renewal energy-generating units. It can also provide a reasonable tariff plan for the trading of produced Power, of somewhat found spotless and environmentally friendly energy generating units. It typically works in a troublesome climate, and its security has forever been challenging. Node identification proof and authentication is a significant security worry for distributed IoT frameworks; blockchain technology with decentralization highlights another era of arrangements. Data/ Information is gathered and pre-processed utilizing the "Raspberry Pi 4 with 1 GB RAM Board" load-up alongside field sensors framing an "Edge Node (EN)", which comprises an inbuilt Wi-Fi unit, a generated terminal voltage sensor, load current sensors, an external real-time clock circuit, and other environmental surveillance sensor units for fundamental support of the generating unit. These IOT-based "Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)" nodes are separated into "Edge Node (EN)", "Fog Node (FN)", "Fog Node Base Station (FNBS)", and "Cloudlet Server (CS)", as indicated by their capacities and work conveyances which are framed into various network level. A private Blockchain is developed among the end nodes, which is an EN, subsequently, a public Blockchain is used for the next higher level of network nodes, which is the FN, hence it forms a complete hybrid blockchain-based wireless sensor network (HBWSN).

Keywords: Hybrid blockchain, Ethereum blockchain, Edge Node, Fog Node, Fog Node Base Station, Identity Authentication.